Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Mixed Latinos in the Flesh: Clothing Optional

Just kidding.
Join Jessica Arana, artist, Joseph Tyner, poet, Elizabeth Liang, writer, and me for Mixed/Remixed at the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles this Saturday, June 14 at 1:00pm. There's a full schedule of film, art and books.

Ignore the time listed below. It's 1:00 pm!!!

MASC will be sponsoring a panel on mixed Latino artists and writers at the Mixed Remixed Festival. Please make note of the new time of 3 PM. One of the panelists is Sandra Ramos O'Briant. To learn more about her work visit: www.thesandovalsisters.com

We asked our participants to answer these questions: What do you think of the word LOMA (Latinas and Latinos of Mixed Ancestry)? Does this describe you? She said: "LOMA is perfect and it describes me perfectly. Far better than 50/50, coyote, or leprechauna. Also, I appreciate not being lumped into the masculine all-inclusive Latino. My Latina and Anglo heritage speak loudly in The Sandoval Sisters' Secret of Old Blood, but the Northern New Mexican is emphasized. 

Thomas, that's a tough one for me. My mom married an Anglo so her children wouldn't experience the same discrimination she'd had to endure. Hence, the O'Briant. My bro and I experienced reverse discrimination in Santa Fe because of that Anglo last name; Latinos wouldn't accept us. The Sandoval Sisters was my shout out to the brown in me.

Thanks for including me in this program. See . . . it's all about belonging."

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