Monday, August 11, 2014

La Luna Súper

Yellow Superrrrmoon. La Luna Superrrr. You look like cheese. 

At midnight on Sunday, whoops it's already Monday! we said our goodbyes. Backlit by a spectral Super Moon,  our shadows stretched long. Hugs all around, even though most of us had just met, in the dark, in a burned out flat in Angeles National Forest. 

"I was happy every minute of tonight," I said.
"How often can we say that?" someone asked. She gave me another hug.

The Before: The sun sets beyond the burned scrub.

 The moon rises behind us. The clouds do not want to let her go.

No campfires are allowed. but that doesn't stop most people. The hills are alive with them. 

Dropped your clouds like a flimsy negligee? I'm gonna do something special with you . . . how'd you like to have your light refracted?

Don't be scared. You're still you. I'm still me. Your full spectrum is wild. Let's do it one more time.

Refraction not your thing? The clouds have come to your rescue again. Sweet moon, cheesy night love of my life, please don't leave . . . 

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